"What You do Today, Can Improve All of Your Tomorrows" -RALPH MARSTON


Life events and stress can make every day activities seem overwhelming and beyond reach. I have experience working with children, adolescents and adults utilizing a variety of techniques to address anxiety, depression and EMOTIONAL AND BEHAVIORAL DISORDERS. Together we can explore how past and present behavioral and thought patterns shape your current experiences. One small change can lead to great results!




Anxiety and Depression
Life and Career Transitions
Low Self Esteem
Relationship Issues

Parenting Issues
Women’s Health
School Avoidance
Behavior Problems

Panic Attacks
Loss and Grief
Stress Management



“The potential possibilities of any child are the most intriguing and stimulating in all creation” -Ray L. Wilbur

Individual and group therapy is provided for children ages 3 through 11 based on play and behavioral therapy techniques. We begin with a parent or caregiver assessment to explore the needs of your child. At this stage in life the parents and caregivers play an important role in the child’s development. My goal is to give your child an outlet to explore and express his or her needs while giving you a variety of tools to engage your child. Parent and caregiver counseling sessions are included to help support family members. Home visits and school visits are offered when appropriate. Some areas of treatment are:

School Avoidance
 Behavior Concerns
Sleep Issues
Peer Relationships
School Performance





"With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts."

-Eleanor Roosevelt

A common challenge during adolescences is learning how to navigate the world around us while developing our own voices. Individual and group sessions are provided to adolescents age 12-19 using cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) and dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) techniques. My goal is to help your teen learn new healthy ways to cope with stress and life challenges while increasing self-esteem. Parent, family and school visits are offered when appropriate. Some of the areas of treatment are: 

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Relationship Issues
Coping Skills
School/ Life Transitions
Behavior Concern




“The truth is, unless you let go, unless you forgive yourself, unless you forgive the situation, unless you realize that the situation is over, you cannot move forward.” -Steve Maraboli

Individual counseling sessions are provided to adults over 18 with the primary goal to help improve inter/interpersonal communication.  I aim to help you find peace and a deeper understanding of your needs. We will explore together your past and current experiences to learn any potential self-destructive patterns that may have interfered with your happiness and success. Individual sessions are designed to help you develop new coping skills, improve communication, and increase satisfaction in all areas of your life. Some areas of treatment are: 

Career Counseling
Life Transitions
Family Conflict
Life Coaching
Mood Disorders
Relationship Issues
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
Pregnancy, Postpartum, Prenatal


Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says, ‘I’m possible’!
-Audrey Hepburn

Today’s world presents parents with new challenges on a daily basis. Individual and group parenting sessions are provided with an aim to help you maintain a balance between your needs and those of your family while reducing stress and increasing your overall satisfaction in life. We will explore your past and current parenting techniques and learn new skills to increase communication and address problematic behaviors. One small change can lead to great results! Some areas of treatment are:

Early Childhood Sleep Disruptions
Blended Families
Coping Skills
Stress Reduction
Conflict Resolution
Marital and Premarital Counseling
Mindful Parenting
Parenting a child with special needs